Day 8: Understanding Redlining
Redlining is a practice begun in the 1930s to negatively impact the ability of Black Americans to build generational wealth through home ownership. The impact of this practice continues to be felt today throughout the United States.
Day 7: Why Plessy vs. Ferguson Still Matters
Plessy vs. Ferguson is one of the most consequential law cases in American history. What was it and how do we feel the impact even today?
Day 6: Jim Crow Laws and Legacy
Jim Crow laws, though ended, continue to have a devastating legacy on impacted communities. Learn what they were and how harmful they were to Black Americans.
Day 5: Implicit Bias—Something We Have in Common
What is something we all have in common? Learn more about implicit bias.
Day 4: What is Intersectionality?
Day 4: What is intersectionality? Did you know that some people face many types of discrimination at the same time based upon their identities within marginalized groups? Let’s talk about it.
Day 3: Internalized Oppression
Let’s talk about internalized oppression. How does it start? What is its impact? How do we fight it?