Their Whole Personalities
Heather Fleming Heather Fleming

Their Whole Personalities

There are too many people right now who have made anger, rudeness, and attacking others their entire personalities. From legislators to radio personalities to content creators, rage and fear have become their main focus because it appeals to the most base aspects of humanity. They motivate us to do a lot of things: protest, support, vote, donate, and more. However, in the process, they do so much more damage because in the process, they also divide, dehumanize, and demoralize. They breed disconnection in a time when we need connection to combat the serious problems facing us as people and communities.

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Everyone is an advocate.
Heather Fleming Heather Fleming

Everyone is an advocate.

I’m an English teacher.

That’s what I told myself and others for five years as I began working trying to make my community and state a better, more equitable place to live. Even after beginning the MO Equity Education Partnership, I spoke in front of our state legislators and pronounced to them that I was “just an English teacher.”

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