Day 9: Understanding Sundown Towns and the debate over cullman.
Have you heard of sundown towns?
Let’s talk about their history and why they’re still relevant today.
Sundown towns were communities that systematically excluded Black people (and sometimes other minorities) through racist laws, policies, and threats of violence. These towns often displayed signs saying things like, “Don’t let the sun set on you here” or "Don't let the sun go down on your back here in ____."
While many think of sundown towns as a thing of the past, their legacy lingers in systemic inequalities, and some towns still carry the stigma of exclusion. Cullman, Alabama, is one such place under scrutiny due to its history as a sundown town and the ongoing debate about whether it’s safe or welcoming for everyone.
What’s the Debate About Cullman, Alabama?
Cullman has faced criticism because of its history as a sundown town and alleged racist incidents in recent years. While some argue the town has changed, others, especially Black travelers, express concerns about visiting due to past and present tensions.
Why Does This Matter?
Sundown towns remind us how deeply racism was embedded in the fabric of American society—and how those legacies persist. Understanding these histories is key to creating communities that are truly inclusive.
View a database of sundown towns here: