I believe that each of us carries a bit of inner brightness, something entirely unique and individual, a flame that's worth protecting. When we are able to recognize our own light, we become empowered to use it. When we learn to foster what's unique in the people around us, we become better able to build compassionate communities and make meaningful change."
Dear friend,
I have been fortunate to fill many roles in my life: daughter, wife, mother, sister, aunt, niece, and friend among the most prominent. Yet the role that set me on my current trajectory was being an English teacher. I began teaching in January 2005, and my time as an educator was a journey of learning and discovery. The topic I learned about most was what it meant to reach all students and meet the needs of those of varied cultural, religious, and socio-economic experiences.
The irony of teaching is that the more thoroughly you try to teach something, the more thoroughly you must study and learn. Though I left the classroom in 2018, I have engaged in continuous learning, training, and reflection, developing my passion for bringing understanding and connection where there was once misunderstanding and hate. The longer I live and the more people I meet, the more I am dedicated to ensuring that we achieve our goals.
At one of the first equity events I sponsored, I invited my great uncle, who was 80 at that time. I remember being really hurt when he told me he would not be attending (he’s always been one of my biggest supporters), but he said something that stayed with me since and gives me focus and direction. He told me at that time that he was not attending because he had participated in conversations about race and equity his entire life so that I would not have to have those same conversations. However, he was tired, and so was passing the torch on to me. It was sobering and poignant considering the type of example he had set for me throughout his life. He deserved to rest after achieving so many “firsts” so that I could stand on his shoulders.
Now I do this work in the hope that our children will not have to do it. I do it with the hope that we will foster connection and understanding in our lives and communities, making it much easier to join together to correct systemic inequities so that we can create an equitable society that frees each of us to become our best selves. We will listen, learn, and love our way to a better world for all.
I ask that you join me on this journey. Keep learning, keep growing, and above all, keep using your voice. It is needed if we are to win.